During school conferences in October, a parent offered to support my classroom financially. He insisted, and told me that he expected to hear back from me. I wasn't sure how to react, and it took me several months to assemble a wish list of classroom equipment. No parent has ever offered financial support before. Last week I sent a letter and the wish list home with his daughter. The items ranged from $10.00 to $250.00. Shortly, I received an email. It was the most encouraging feedback I've ever received from a parent. In addition to the complements, he donated money to purchase a large number of the items on the wish list. With his help, I'll now have several expensive pieces of equipment that will allow me to expand the science and math learning opportunities in my classroom.
The supplies and equipment will be amazing, but the support and encouragement voiced in the email, and proven by the funds means so much more. So often, the result of my teaching and interactions with students is largely unknown. I hope that I've built a positive relationship, helped instill a love of learning, and built their confidence. The rewards of teaching are always so intangible, but this simple and generous act by one parent let me know I'm doing things right. Instead of a parent saying, "Why aren't you..." This parent said, "Let me help you..." Wow, thank you.