Today Stephanie and I attended our local democratic caucus. Neither of us had ever attended one before and really didn't know what to expect. I was looking forward to the discussion, and especially the chance to meet others in my neighborhood. There aren't really chances to truly talk and discuss with those living in the same community anymore, today was a rare opportunity.
After everyone had signed in, there were 65 or so people of all ages packed into a small room at the Retsil Veterans Home. There was lengthy discussion about both Senator Clinton and Obama. Questions were posed and concerns were voiced. I spoke briefly. I was impressed at the level of respect that everyone showed for each other. Everyone agreed that both candidates are good, and will certainly be better than the last 7 years of disaster, lies, ignorace. After about an hour of discussion, it was time to choose delegates to move on to the county level. I stood and volunteered, then everyone split into groups representing their chosen candidate.
At that point, each person who was interested in moving on to the county level was asked to speak. Out of 10 delegates available in our precinct, 7 were chosen for Obama, and 3 for Clinton. I am very excited to be representing my precinct at the county level as a delegate for Obama in April.
This was a fantastic experience, and I am looking forward to the next level and participating in this uniquely American experience.