Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tim Darragh: B.A., Illustration

After four years at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, Tim graduated last week! He now has a B.A. in Illustration, and is quite accomplished. The night before commencement, all the art students had a gallery opening. Tim had two wall to cover with his work, showing what he has accomplished. It was quite impressive! The personality of the drawings was really evident. It was impressive to see the evolution of a character from the first sketch, to a framed, finished piece. Great job - We're all proud of you Tim! Check out his website:

The next day was the commencement ceremony at Benaroya Hall, downtown. It was beautiful! There was a gamelon ensemble that played several unique compositions from Indonesia and Japan. A student speaker and some students who sang a tune called, "I Want to go Back to College" really helped show the unique personality of all the Cornish students. Gone were the cap and gown (except for one student), and in were gifts for their department chairs. It was a proud moment when Timothy Darragh was called, and he walked across the stage to receive his diploma! Great job Tim! Big things are in store for my brother, he is truly talented, and gifted with drawing.

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