Wednesday, June 25, 2008

More Michigan

The training has continued through the week. It is an introductory math training for our curriculum, but the other teacher, Hilaree, and I are getting a few good tidbits here and there. Yesterday and Monday were very nice, with temps in the upper 70's-mid 80's. Today, we had showers, but it was still very warm out, and the rain was warm. It was a strange feeling. Yesterday I spotted a black squirrel, and took a picture. I thought it was very unique. Today walking across campus, I saw four more. Either that black squirrel is very fast, or they are not as unique as I thought. Maybe they are some grad student's project on genetics. After the conference today, we spotted one of the authors, Glenda Lappan. I had previously met her two years ago in Everett at another math conference. She actually remembered me from then! We had our picture taken with her to show our students in the Fall. Kind of corny, but also kind of cool. There are some beautiful botanical gardens on campus. The plants are all arranged taxonomically, and also are very beautiful.

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