Saturday, June 22, 2013

Montana Day 1

Yesterday  wrapped up the first day of our trip to Montana. The girls are four now so we felt they could handle a 1600 mile roadtrip.... The question is, can we? We prepared by getting a portable DVD player, books, snacks, and leap pad tablets. Their daycare friends have them, and Elise and Charlotte have been politely asking for the little learning tablets for months. We were fortunate to find 2 very reasonably priced ones on craigslist. The roadtrip was the perfect chance to start indoctrinating them into the personal computing world. They can't text, yet.

We began our trip at 6:30, and made great time until snoqualmie pass where we sat on I-90 for over an hour. They did some rock blasting the previous evening and were cleaning it up.

Traffic finally got moving, and we made it to Ellensburg where we stopped for brunch at IHOP. On the road again, we didn't need to stop until Spokane. The girls did great in the car, even snoozing for awhile... But truly, who doesn't want to snooze through Ritzville?

Stephanie drove through Idaho, until I finally had enough being the passenger and finished up the day pulling into Missoula.

We checked in (at the "showntell" as Elise and Charlotte call the hotel), grabbed some dinner, drove around a bit, then hit the hay.

The day wrapped up with Elise climbing up onto her bunkbed, telling Charlotte, "Charlotte, I will think of you when I asleep." To which Charlotte replied, "Why Eyese?" To which Elise made the perfectly reasonable reply of, "Because I like you."

1 comment:

Southworth Sailor said...

Good job road tripper. Keep the posts coming.