Saturday, July 10, 2010

Do You Want Fry With That?

From 55 Gal Aquarium
Yesterday I noticed one of my platys was about ready to give birth. Platys are live bearing fish and really easy to breed - they just do it. I put her in a little hatchery. Good timing, because this morning there were a whole bunch of little platy fry swimming around!
From 55 Gal Aquarium
The mother hadn't eaten them yet, so I took her out before she could. I counted around 35 fry. I put in a plant clipping for shelter and fed them. The angel fish will not leave the floating brood tank alone, they just see a yummy snack. Each fry is less than 1/4 inch long. I am hoping that I can keep most of them alive and have a ton more colorful fish swimming around.

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