Monday, January 19, 2009

Creating Special Times

When I was a kid, one of my favorite things was spending time with just one of my parents - just me time. One particular memory is from 4th grade when my dad took me to breakfast at Denny's and gave me a Cub Scout pocket knife. These little, special memories are very important to me. Recently, watching Jon & Kate plus 8, we noticed they do a special day for each one of their kids. So, before I forget, here are some things I am looking forward to doing with my two girls.

- Dinner with dad at McDonalds (Happy Meal on me)
- Looking under rocks during low tide (maybe too yucky?).
- Something special, based on their interest - zoo, boat ride... we'll just have to see!
- Pancake breakfast, before mom gets up on a Saturday.
- Friday night movie night.
- "Camping" in the backyard
- "Camping" in the house
- Cooking together

Anyway, just a start. I guess after all the diapers and sleepless days/nights, eventually this stuff will start happening. I want to make sure I don't forget some of the things I've been thinking about.

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