Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A True Blessing

In a few months my life will change forever, and I couldn't be more excited. I haven't written much, but feel that I need to start documenting our experience.

In early September, Stephanie surprised me with a small card. I had just come home from work and suspected something was up. She was busy in the office printing and cutting... making something crafty. A few minutes later she emerged with a goofy smile and handed me the small card. I had a hunch, and asked, "Are you pregnant?" "Open the card!" She says! I sat down, opened the card, and sure enough - it was wonderful news!

That whole evening was quite a roller coaster of emotions for me. Can I be a dad? Am I really prepared and responsible enough? Will I have enough patience? How will this affect our marriage.... On and on, my mind was reeling with questions and doubts... But at the foundation of it all is the faith Stephanie and I share, and our strong marriage. By the time I went to bed I was on cloud 9.

It wasn't long before we had our first ultrasound in Silverdale. This was in preparation for the first of many OB appointments. It took a little while, but soon the little bean appeared on the monitor. The tech pointed our little baby out, then got real quiet. I thought I saw something more on there, and just that moment he labeled the first bean "A", and then moved the cursor and labeled another little bean "B"! I asked, "Is there more than one?" He replied, "Congratulations, you're expecting twins!"

There was also a student in the room from the local college. I think this was the first time he'd seen this happen. I was standing up, and everyone asked me to sit down, I think I looked a little white!

That moment was probably the most surprising, shocking, and best moment of my life. Steph and I walked out, hand in hand to the parking lot. We just looked at each other with tears of happiness in our eyes. I said, "We can do this." From that moment on, I've known that it is going to be great. We can do it, it will be wonderful!

I called my mom, asked her to sit down, and told her the news. She didn't believe me at first! It took a few times repeating the news for it to sink in. She was thrilled. My dad was in Portland, and when I told him he was very excited! He is very proud will be a great grandpa for our babies.

Babies A and B have been growing steadily and mom is doing great. We are expecting them this spring, and I know time will pass very quickly. More to come!

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